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Personal revolution has never been central to the formation of the modern world. The word always refers to radical change and as a historical process, revolution refers to a movement, often very violent, to overthrow an old regime and effect complete change in the fundamental institutions of society. For example, after the French Revolution of the 18th century which deposed the monarchy and attempted to refashion society from top to bottom, revolution became synonymous with the radical overcoming of the past. Personal revolution, on the other hand, is not about overcoming of the past. It is never about forgetting. It is never about erasing. It is never about violence but about growing & constructing. Personal revolution is about building personal strength to go forward. Knowing your inside values and standing by them, fighting for them. Death, that this fight may bring, will always be rewarded by the process of rebirth which is the increased power to overcome every obstacle, problem or challenge. I believe that this type of personal revolution is necessary to move from one life stage to the next one. This in turn strengthens the perception of personal change as a universal and inevitable process in one's growth. There would be no personal revolution without Movement. I constantly recall my grandpa's words: "Joanna, move. Move forward. Never look back. Never stop." We must move and go forward. Always. Like the parting of the Red Sea and like the Exodus, our lives will be fulfilled by moments of emotional and spiritual breakthroughs as long as we go forward. By doing so, we will experience these magical and miraculous moments of personal revolution.

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