Cogito, Ergo Sum, Thoughts from the Journey of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
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Privacy. It is a state free from intrusion. Intrusion, it is an unjust invasion of someone's property both IP and/or TP. As such invasion, understood as intrusion, is illegal. (No is a complete sentence). Who decides on that "no"? Intellectual intrusion (e.g: appropriation of someone's IP or harassment of someone's emotional intelligence understood as unconscious states).
Invasion of privacy, it is the unjustifiable intrusion into someone's personal life (TP). The formal legal definition and its focus relates to person's reality understood as physicality (physical (adj.)early 15c., "of or pertaining to material nature"): address, name, age, ethnicity, etc.. Yet we need to come to a conclusion that there are different aspects of that "personal life." Most of the time invisible though. They come towards the daylight during mass-exposure events, during wars, revolutions and times like now when unforeseen actions & unpredictable usage of artificial intelligence (AI), is a fact.
These are times leading to increased manipulation of mass consciousness hence unbalancing humans' ability to control their own emotions. Exercising means controlling human minds is abuse of power. Control (v.) early 15c., countrollen, "to check the accuracy of, verify; to regulate," from Anglo-French contreroller "to exert authority". Since when anyone including politicians, tech companies, advertisement, religious sects and governments have had a right to interfere with a human thought? China on my mind and times when they have ordered universities to increase thought control over students and think, how that awakened the spirit of this always following culture.
Beauty! (Here understood as thought attractiveness).
Cogito, ergo sum, it is a Latin philosophical proposition by René Descartes usually translated into English as "I think, therefore I am". I think therefore I am a human. By taking away my ability to think freely introduces the abuse my humanity. By having control over my thought, you are abusing my humanity. You are making a slave of me. Think Trump, Hitler, and Stalin. We are talking mind and criminal invasions here.
To think about privacy we must always think about Humanity and develop new human rights to protect against 'mind hacking,' control and brain data theft during the times of AI. Issues that are endemic to AI are endemic to all Humans hence to our thought and privacy.