Passion for Brain Development - A Beautiful Mind
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Passion is within. The intense life-force generated from the inside, that manifests itself in boundless strength, enthusiasm & power to overcome. Hence, deep, positive and emotional connectedness that is created within and released outside. It awakens when the meaning of life aligns perfectly with its aim and purpose. It is a fervent expression of hope that against all odds has the power to withstand all setbacks and to hold on when there is nothing in you except this powerful voice which says: "Be" Be the burning desire to achieve something. Be the difference you hope to happen. Immerse wholeheartedly in a stage that suddenly becomes your life. Deliver ways beyond expectations and extract the most available beauty from every single aspect of it. One does not need passion to live. But those who appreciate it are one of those souls who discover each and single day its overwhelming and all encompassing vitality and who find no joy in a life lived without it.
Embrace passion like, one day, passion might embrace you.