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Standing in My Power

What do you think when hearing the world Power? Probably, most of you, think of having a power over someone. Or influencing others. I think of power as my personal strength to overcome all the barriers that are on my path. I think of a power as the ability to overcome any struggle and have the strength to overcome the most difficult obstacles in my life. I have the power to act in an effective way while saying no to what I do not wish to have in my life and yes to I do want. I have the power to learn from my past mistakes and never repeat them. I have the power to stand and never run. I have the power to be free and love myself compassionately. What does it mean to stand in my personal power? It means I define what I honour and what is important to me. It means I am fully able to define who I am: Sun, Moon, Venus. I am fully conscious of the Power of my Thought and Creativity. Also I know exactly why I make the decisions I make. Standing in my personal power means nothing and no-one can destabilise the foundation of who I am. Standing in that power also means that I am able to face my self-doubt, self-sabotage and thoughts like I am not good enough or I do not deserve to be happy. I do deserve to be Happy, Joyful and Free. Never give your power away. Do not allow for someone else to choose what you are supposed to do, eat or look like. Never kowtow to demands of anyone. Never invalidate your own feelings and thoughts to make others feel better or to please them. No one has the power to direct your life. The power is you. Only You. Do not follow the crowd make your own Waves. Be authentic. Follow your intuition. And care for yourself. Standing in my personal power means I am physically, emotionally and spiritually ready to take on the Whole World and Be.

BE the best Version of Yourself.


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