Women are not a 'production' line! I stand by the Happy Upper Brain.
I have the right to have that FREEDOM. I want the FREEDOM men were having for so many centuries. For so many years women were having your children. Washing your clothes. Focusing on running the households. No. No more. The roles have changed.
I like the fact that men are becoming more caring. That they are more compassionate. That finally they help their partners to reach something instead of focusing on women as the sacrificing entities. Women are not to die or sacrifice anything. We are here to finally BREATHE FREELY.
The sun is not a son. The SUN is the POWER OF THE UPPER BRAIN! MY individual Intellectual Power. The sun is too hot to hold it in my hands and too powerful not to develop it further. If a man does not see your value as an independent breathing, living and THINKING entity do not get involved with that man.
Men must learn to be compassionate. Not seeking their mothers in you. If your partner only sees in you the mother of your children he truly does not appreciate you as a Free & THINKING entity. Until you find a man who is mature enough to take care of the child you want to bring to this life. Do not have children! It’s Okay If You Don’t Think Pregnancy Is Beautiful!
Don't you want to build your relationship? Who needs nappies, crying in the morning and focusing on the child you cannot even communicate with. No to sexting! Girls should know the POWER they have THE POWER OF THEIR UPPER BRAIN! Having a child is a huge responsibility and a slavery. I will only decide on a child when knowing the person I want to be with. I have not met this person yet.
Girls must be highly educated. They should not think about marriage, children and slavery. They should be free to pursue their intellectual career. How to prevent teenagers from sexting and protect them from other teens who do. FOCUS ON EDUCATION. NEVER CHILDREN. The Sun is the Power of the Upper Brain. The Moon the power of the lower. Venus the Power of the Beauty. Always think with your Upper Brain. That is the FUTURE! My legacy? Is my Thought!
The study, published in Environmental Research Letters, found having one fewer child than planned could reduce carbon emissions for each parent by 58 tonnes for each year of their life. That is A LOT! https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/aa7541… . In less than 100 years, the world’s population has nearly quadrupled, rising from a population of two billion in 1928 to over seven billion in 2019! Think, people! Thinking is the future. Never sexting. The environmental ethics of having kids: why millennials are skipping babies in order to save the planet. https://standard.co.uk/lifestyle/no-kids-better-for-the-environment-a4198451.html… .
Fathers and husbands should lift our spirits up. Life is not about producing children. There are many couples that could adopt, even virtually. Marriage is about being enlightened. I do not have a maternal instinct. Cos I did not meet my husband yet. I am asexual. You see. The most important thing is to make happy the psychological inner child. And the grown up person is happy. Both are happy. The wife & the husband. The husband is the most valuable gem if loving & caring.
I do not need anyone to make me happy. I have my study. My research and my Freedom. If I ever have a husband he will be exactly as I have imagined. Caring, responsible, loving and supporting my hunger of more research and development of my upper brain. I do not need children. The sun is the power of the upper brain. Sun Venus Moon.
Happy Upper Brain!